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fabulous firefly

I Should Have Been An Astronaut Painting

I Should Have Been An Astronaut Painting

Regular price $225.00 USD
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We regret those big choices in life sometimes...what we could have been. What we could have done. You can never think too big...ever. We all need to imagine our biggest dream and go forward towards it...

This is a 13"x 19" watercolor/ink mixed media piece. It is framed in a larger frame with glass that is 16"x 20" to keep it stored safely. It is a fun piece and you see something different every time you look at it. 

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My traveling boutique!

This is my 22' store on wheels! I love to show up at your art fairs with you all. Please let me know if you think I can be a part of your fun! Look for me and come in and say hello if you see the flags flyin'!